The world is changing, and we’re living in a time of great upheaval. When you turn on the news, what do they have to offer? There are a plethora of terrible occurrences taking place all around us, including wars, devastation, murder, earthquakes, and disasters. For many people, the news about troubles throughout this world stirs up fear and confusion within them. The consequences of sin are all around us. This is why we see so much conflict in the world today.

Many people know About God, but few know Him Personally

Do you trust God when the troubles of this world are on your front step? You can trust him if you know him as your saviour. You can trust him if you know him personally. Many people around us know About God, but very few people know Him Personally. The only way to know Him Personally is through his son, Jesus Christ.

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord - Romans 6:23

The Bible says that the wages of sin is death. We all are going to die one day, but there is a place called hell where people get eternal punishment for their sins. It is a place of judgement where one is judged justly and without compassion. Why would we go to a place called hell? Because God is also a judge, and He judges justly. He doesn’t let sin slide by.

Forgivness He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance

So, how do we avoid hell and spend eternity in heaven? The answer is also found in the Bible that tells us about the consequences of sin. In the Bible, we learn that Jesus died on the cross to take away our sin. He was the perfect sacrifice for our sin because He never sinned.

Forgiveness through Jesus Christ

It doesn’t matter how many good works we do. All that really matters is whether or not we know Jesus as our personal saviour. Jesus came into this fallen world on a divine rescue mission to forgive us of our sin. He came as a baby, grew to be a man, lived a sinless life, fully God and fully man and He was the perfect sacrifice for our sins. Jesus literally took our sins upon himself when He died on the cross. He conquered all the sins of the world when He arose three days later.

When we repent of our sins and ask Jesus to forgive us, we are forgiven and start a relationship with God. When we have this relationship with God, then we don’t have to fear anything because we know that the worst that could ever happen to us is death. But really, for the believer, that’s just an upgrade, because there’s a home in heaven awaiting all who have been forgiven by God.

The Bible The Ground Is Level At The Foot Of The Cross

Pray these words from your heart:

Saying: Saying: Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I’m a sinner, but I believe that you died for me, so that I could be forgiven for my sins. I believe that you rose again from death and is alive today. I repent of my sins and commit my life to you. Use me for your glory. In the name of Jesus, I pray this prayer. Amen.

Now, you have a relationship with God. There’s nothing to fear. The God of heaven is watching over you right now. And in the troubles of this life, you can be assured that He is with you wherever you go. Nothing …nothing …nothing can separate you from His love for you.