Christians believe in Jesus, whom they consider to be the world’s creator and savior. Their genuine belief in Jesus is ultimately based on two fundamental proofs.

The Existence of God

Christians regard Jesus as God because he is the product of divine revelation. If there was no God, Jesus could never have become flesh and dwelt among us. It makes little sense to call Jesus the Christ or the son of the living God if there is no deity.

On the other hand, if God exists, then it is logically possible that Jesus is God. Therefore, a person can ultimately come to the conclusion, as did Thomas, that “Jesus is my Lord and my God” only if he first comes to believe that God exists.

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Why should anyone believe that God exists? Because the existence of matter demands a maker. Matter doesn’t simply pop into existence from nothing. The existence of physical life demands an ultimate life giver. In nature life does not come from non-life. It comes from preexisting life. That’s what nature has repeatedly revealed for thousands of years. It is the scientific law of Biogenesis. Designs need a planner. This is logical because designs need careful thought, not accidents.

Intelligence does not arise from nothing. What humans have consistently observed in nature is that intelligence demands previous intelligence. So how did the first intelligent creatures come to inhabit the universe? Just as the first life in nature needs a supernatural life giver, the first intelligent beings need a self existent creator of intelligence. The most basic reason why anyone should believe in Jesus is because God exists.

The Authenticity of the Bible

The second and ultimate foundational reason to believe that Jesus Christ is the heaven sent, virgin born, miracle working sacrificial savior of mankind is because the evidence indicates that the Bible is the inspired word of God. It would be pointless to defend the supernatural nature of Jesus as depicted in the Bible without first recognizing the fact that many reject the Bible altogether as a supernatural revelation from God to man. Billions of non-Christians around the world may believe in some sort of God, but they still reject the Bible as being the God revealed Jesus centered plan of salvation from sin.

“The Bible contains many passages that attest to Jesus’ divinity. In the book of John, for instance, Jesus refers to himself as “the bread of life” (6:35) and “the light of the world” (8:12). He also claims to be “one with the Father” (10:30).”

Most unbelievers acknowledge the historicity of Jesus of Nazareth, but they virtually all reject Jesus the Christ as He is revealed in both the Old and New Testaments. The reality is that if an all-knowing, all-powerful God exists and there is evidence that He does, such a God might very easily produce written revelation for his human creation in order that people may learn that Jesus Christ is the Christ, the son of God, the Savior of the World.

So what is the proof that the Bible is of supernatural origin? Why should an honest truth seeker come to the conclusion that the Bible is the special revelation from the creator of the universe, given for the purpose of telling us about the way of salvation from sin in Jesus Christ? Because the Bible’s authors were correct in every detail regarding the past, present, and future, which is physically impossible. Thus, they must have been guided by God in what they wrote.

Trees Photo by Sam Bark on Unsplash

Indeed, the two most basic foundational reasons to believe in Jesus Christ are, God exists and the Bible is God’s word. If true, then Jesus Christ is the one and only savior of the world. If true, then He is coming back to judge the world. If true, there is nothing more important in life than following the truth.

You have to make a choice about Jesus and what you will do with Him, but be sure to make an honest, informed decision.