The Bible is unlike any other book of religion because it is the word of God. It has been tested and criticized for over 3,000 years, and yet it stands. Think about this. 66 books written in a span of 1,600 years, where more than 40 people have written it from different backgrounds, different professions - all telling the same.

  • The Bible is the message of salvation
  • The only book in history with no errors
  • The Bible is unlike any other book of religion because it is the word of God

The Old Testament says that Jesus is coming, the Messiah is coming. He promised to send a Savior who would save His people from their sins. And the New Testament says that He has come. It is the story of redemption.


  • The Bible is the most important book in the world
  • God's word stands the test of time
  • Tested and proven to be the one true book by millions who have studied it

The Bible is full of prophecy. From the very beginning, God has spoken about His plans for the future. About half the prophecies in the Bible have been fulfilled historically. The other half is being fulfilled and will be completed before the end of this age.

The Bible also presents scientific information in an accurate way. For example, when people were saying that the world was flat, the Bible said that the earth is a sphere. The Bible also says that the stars can’t be numbered, and we now know that they can’t be numbered. So there are scientific things in the Bible that are accurate.

The Bible does what it says it will do. It transforms the lives of those who read and obey it.

It is absolutely true that while men and women were writing the scripture, the holy spirit guided them. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.


The Bible is not simply a book of religion, but the one true book that has been tested for centuries, and yet it still stands. If you are looking for answers in your life, look no further than the Bible. It has the answers to life’s most pressing questions.